
Know more about the registered pros with a valid CDWS Card!

hassan hassaan Hussein

Sharm El Sheikh / سندريلا الدولي لإدارة مراكز الغوص,Sharm El Sheikh / سندريلا الدولي لإدارة مراكز الغوص,Sharm El Sheikh /مانتا دايفرز شارم CDWS#17799
Spoken Languages Arabic English


  • Nationality

  • Current Job

    Videographer Dive master Underwater Photographer @ Sharm El Sheikh  Cinderella El Dawley For Diving Centers Management @ Sharm El Sheikh  Cinderella El Dawley For Diving Centers Management @ Sharm El Sheikh  Manta Divers Sharm
  • Diving Level

    Videographer Dive master Underwater Photographer
  • Certificates

    Diver*** - سيماسDiver*** - سيماس

Black listed diving facilities,
this is the list of the facilities that
does not compile with the measures of saftey and ...

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