Database for the employees of the tourism sector
In collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and other entities, we are launching a database system to register the information of the employees in the tourism sector.
About the database:
This system aims to coordinate the data of the employees of the members working in diving and water sports centers and safari boats with the relevant entities and security authorities.
The system will provide a clear view of the numbers, classification, and titles of the employees which will allow the possibility of determining the needed training programs for the sector and also other objectives. It will also facilitate the process of issuing the Security Clearance Certificate for the employees online, which will save the time and effort of the members and the individuals.

How to log into the database:
First: The technical manager or the legal representative of your facility is required to head to the ministry's office available in your governorate, to receive the username and password that will be used to log into the database, please use the attached form to fill in the employee's data.
Second: After receiving the username and password, the basic data and the required documents should be submitted through the system.
- You can watch a tutorial with more information on how to use the system after logging into your facility’s account.

- Also the attached form with an example of the data that will be required to fill online.
Kindly note that in case of failing to register the information of the employees the license of the facility shall be suspended, it is necessary to ensure that the data entered is correct, as all data will be reviewed by the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and the Ministry of Interior, and any wrong data will be considered falsification of official documents.