The CDWS Roles and Responsibilities

In accordance with Law no. 85 of 1968 and its amendments, regarding the establishment of an Egyptian Tourism Federation, the Chamber of Diving and Water Sports is exclusively the sole responsible entity for the sector of diving and water sports in the Arab Republic of Egypt, on both local and international level.

The CDWS Roles and Responsibilities

  • The CDWS is concerned about the common best interest of its members in the diving and water sports sector within the scope of developing the tourism industry and representing its members to the public authorities. As well as, to the local and international organizations, such as organizations that support the development of diving tourism in Egypt.
  • Research, investigations, marketing, and strategic planning of all related activities in the diving and water sports sector, in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism.
  • Ensuring the appliance of the quality standards across the Arab Republic of Egypt, in accordance with EN 14467 / ISO 24803 for recreational diving providers and ISO 13289 for the conduct of snorkeling excursions.
  • Issuing a valid CDWS ID card for professionals, such as diving instructors and guides, snorkeling instructors and guides, and water sports pros, such as kite and windsurf instructors.
  • We are applying the necessary labor regulations for employees working in the sector in accordance with the nature of business.
  • Offering technical support for all entities and professionals in the industry.  
  • Propose laws, legislations, and amendments to regulate the business in the diving and water sports industry.
  • Contributing to raising the professional, cultural, and technical level of the employees in the tourism industry
  • Promoting and marketing the tourism industry and the Egyptian destination by participating in international expos, shows, and conferences.
  • Promoting and introducing various activities in the sector through publications, booklets, pamphlets, and different online platforms.
  • Elevating the quality of services offered in the tourism industry through adopting ISO standards and other international organizations approved by the CDWS board of members aims to raise the technical level and knowledge of the employees in the tourism industry.
  • Collecting and codifying the rules, customs, and traditions of the industry and using them to raise awareness through the website and the publications issued by the CDWS, with the purpose of ensuring an environment of fair competition that aims to serve the sector, the tourist and achieves the best interest of all involved in the industry.
  • Conducting the measures, resolutions, procedures, and agreements necessary to strengthen tourism-related relationships to ensure keeping pace with international developments, through agreements, seminars, conferences, and exhibitions in coordination with the relevant state entities.

Copy of About the CDWS Jan 2025