Frequently Asked

Everything you need to know about CDWS, just click any question to display the answer.


As per Egyptian regulations in the implementation of the state’s strategy for digital transformation, and in cooperation between the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and the Chamber of Diving and Water Sports, we are honored to launch the Trip Notification Application. 

Please watch the recorded webinar, it is available in English and in Arabic
You can also check the website for more information
Various statistics can be displayed through the application, such as the nationalities of the practitioners, their age groups, as well as the classification of activities, and the most visited sites for practicing the activities in the Red Sea.  
The system enables the members to display a database of their trips, including, for example, the numbers of service recipients, professionals, and the work team consisting of boat crews and facility workers. 
Regarding the data... the CDWS is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of transactions and the privacy of data and documents exchanged.
No. Only the Admin/user at your dive center can see your information.  
At least one of the team joining the activities should have a first aid course.  
The dive guide accepts automatically without any response and if they don’t accept it, they need to decline via e-mail.  
YES Please, if guests are staying at a place other than hotels such as an apartment, villa, or any other place you need to verify.  
The Trip Notification should be printed by your operation, approved, and stamped by the coast guard. 
All facilities must use the trip notifications application for their trips. 

The cost will be 60 EGP per notification shore/daily trip and it cost 60EGP per day for Safari/Liveaboard.   

The fees are to cover expenses like:   

  • The CDWS is constantly working to improve the user experience for its members, and the fees collected will help cover the costs of this work. These costs include: 
    • Periodic maintenance of the Trip Notification Application 
    • Construction costs for the system 
    • Required upgrades to the system

    • Spot check expenses such as operations, tools, and equipment purchases to ensure that quality and safety standards are being met and to protect legal operations against illegal activities.  
    • Part of the fees is to finance QR devices and tools to be available with the relevant authorities to reduce paper usage and protect the environment.  
    • The fees will only be applied to members who are carrying out activities. Non-operating facilities will not be required to pay the fees. 
    • The fees are a way to fund the operation and maintenance of the system without raising the annual membership fees for the members.  


    Coast Guard, MOTA, and CDWS. 

    For any nationalities, it is a must to provide the requirements by authorities as per the rules and regulations.  

    Yes, as per required by the Egyptian authorities.
    YES, the coast guard authority is aware and will accept the trip notification.
    Now the trip notification is available and will be mandatory from the 1st of December 2022.
    You can write the dive site under the “other option” in the drop-down menu. Also, please specify which dive site is not found and report it to our IT department at [email protected] 

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