Preregistered Pros

Preregistered Pros

Activate the account, providing data for pre-registered Pros:

Before you begin the process please make sure you have the following documents ready:
A personal photo with the same specifications as a passport photo, a recent photo of a full face (not older than 6 months) with high quality 265 x 265 pixels with a white background without sunglasses and without a hat and not wearing white clothes.
Photos taken by mobile camera shall not be accepted.
Copy of the national ID (front and back) or copy of the passport for foreigners.
Copy of a valid training card (front and back on the same document) or a digital card.
Copy of a valid first aid certificate.
Work permit for foreign employees.
Copy of the insurance policy as per the previously announced insurance policy for diving and snorkeling professionals, review the policy for more details. 
Preferably use a desktop or a laptop for the registration.

Phase one: Pro accounts activation 

Login to the technical manager account using the username and the password. 

Choose the option 

Then click on 

Choose the nationality and write down the National ID number (the 14 digits) for Egyptian Pros and the passport number for the foreign employees.

Open the Pro account and choose the option